Sophie's World #2
Sophie's world is a little confusing right now. I’m still not entirely sure who Hilde is or how she's connected. She might be Sophie, she might be a total stranger, we have no idea. I'm also getting weird vibes from the philosopher; I'm not sure how I feel about him. He's definitely not telling her something, but I'm not sure what it is. I was also way thrown off when Joanna was roped into all of this, like when she was mentioned in the letters. She was a minor character and then all of a sudden she was breaking into the cabin with Sophie and getting involved with all of this. I kind of don't like the book at this point. There's a lot going on and it's confusing and not very interesting. I'd honestly kind of rather just learn about the different philosophies, although sometimes it is nice to have a little break and learn about Sophie's life. To be completely honest, she's kind of annoying me now. She's kind of pretentious and seems to think awfully highly of herself. The philosopher also irks me. I preferred when they communicated through letters, them having actual conversations is almost too much for me. They both irritate me. Overall the book is pretty good and I am learning new things, but I'm getting a little tired of it.
I particularly enjoyed the chapters “two cultures” and “the renaissanc”. I liked how they were set up and learning things that I haven't learned before, or in more depth. We talked about the renaissance during freshman year world history, and it was nice to learn some new information about it. All these revolutions that were happening made me think of what is happening here and now. People starting thinking for themselves and reaching their own conclusions about religion/ god, there were numerous scientific revolutions. What are revolutions that are happening today? I don't necessarily think there are revolutions, but there are definitely movements that are happening now. With trump being elected, a lot of opinions and voices have blown up. There's many movements against him and his ideas about things such as immigrants, Muslims, LGBT+ people, and women. The feminist movement has really gathered strength in the last couple years. There's been more awareness, visibility, and acceptance of mental health issues, people of color, people in the LGBT+ community, and others. With that being said, there's also been the rise of some other groups, such as the neo nazis. Groups that have felt marginalized now have the courage to speak louder. Gun rights activists have also been louder, as have far right and far left extremists. We live in very interesting times that I'm sure ancient philosophers would have never imagined. Although we have had scientific and technological advances as well, it's been mostly a social revolution sweeping the world.
I particularly enjoyed the chapters “two cultures” and “the renaissanc”. I liked how they were set up and learning things that I haven't learned before, or in more depth. We talked about the renaissance during freshman year world history, and it was nice to learn some new information about it. All these revolutions that were happening made me think of what is happening here and now. People starting thinking for themselves and reaching their own conclusions about religion/ god, there were numerous scientific revolutions. What are revolutions that are happening today? I don't necessarily think there are revolutions, but there are definitely movements that are happening now. With trump being elected, a lot of opinions and voices have blown up. There's many movements against him and his ideas about things such as immigrants, Muslims, LGBT+ people, and women. The feminist movement has really gathered strength in the last couple years. There's been more awareness, visibility, and acceptance of mental health issues, people of color, people in the LGBT+ community, and others. With that being said, there's also been the rise of some other groups, such as the neo nazis. Groups that have felt marginalized now have the courage to speak louder. Gun rights activists have also been louder, as have far right and far left extremists. We live in very interesting times that I'm sure ancient philosophers would have never imagined. Although we have had scientific and technological advances as well, it's been mostly a social revolution sweeping the world.
We definitely live in interesting times.